Wednesday 4 November 2009

Keep Your Cat in Shape While Living an Apartment

Keep Your Cat in Shape While Living an Apartment

If you live in an apartment, then having a pet can be a challenge. The fact that you do not have a backyard to exercise the pet, & you apartment may be tiny to permit the pet to be let lose, can cause you & your pet a lot of problems.
Dog owners can tell you all about having a dog that is cooped up the entire day in a tiny apartment. Canines can either get hyperactive running around in circles & tearing up the carpet, or they can get lazy & fat.
However, cat owners will tell you the same thing. Felines can get destructive. Usually felines can be lazy, but a cat that is locked up the entire day in an apartment without space to walk & exercise can finish up tearing up the furniture & pooping all over the place. This is all because it does not get exercise.
While it is easy to exercise a dog, the same cannot be done with a cat. You cannot put a leash on your cat & take it to the nearest park to run & play. Believe it or not, but felines do need exercise. The best way to give your cat a workout is to receive a laser pointer & permit the cat to chase the laser beam all over the place. The cat can finish up chasing for hours together. In fact, some felines may actually bring the laser to you when they need to play.
This simple exercise will help your cat lose its excess weight & it will no longer resort to destructive means or dirty the apartment by pooping on the floor.