Monday 9 November 2009

How To Keep Your Cat Happy

How To Keep Your Cat Happy

Is everyone in your home happy? What about your small cat friend? They seems to be unsatisfied. You notice this and wonder "What can I do to make my cat happy?" Perhaps he is not being treated correctly. You love your cat and you require him to be a happy member of your relatives. Yet, you are not sure exactly what to do for that to be. There's two important things you require to remember in order to make your cat feel right at home.
First of all, make sure your cat has things to do. If you don't require him to scratch up your furniture or your curtains, then keep him occupied by playing with him or giving him toys to play with. Yarn, balls, and things that they can move or chase around are lovely. Spend a small time with your cat so it doesn't get bored.
Second of all, you don't require to keep your cat waiting long for food. You will know when it is been long if they starts trying to work the can opener. On a more serious note, felines are animals and hungry animals are not friendly, or happy. Keep it on a regular eating schedule, so it makes it less hard for you to create a technique to keep your cat from starving.
Lastly, listen to your cat's meowing; it may mean he is begging you for something. It may be food, it may be attention. Whatever it is, you cannot ignore it. Your cat will most likely otherwise stay calm and hang on the small box or a comfy pillow. If it starts making noise, it is time to listen up.
Suppose you already do all those things and your cat still is not happy. Do you keep him indoors at all times? Well, that is two thing you should not do. Felines love to be outside or at least staring out the window. There is no harm in letting your cat get some fresh air, if you are keeping an eye on him so they won't run away. As mentioned before, you should not ignore your cat. However, you don't require to crowd up his space either. Sometimes they likes to be left alone.
You can tell if your cat is unhappy when they has an unhappy look on his face. If you look closely at your cat's eyes and you see that the pupils are small slits, that means he is angry. Always remember, your cat deserves your respect. Be sure you give your cat attention for it to be satisfied. Don't keep him in doors 24/7. Take him for a ride every three times in a while. No two likes to be unhappy.